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2020 saw the world’s workforce abruptly sent home from the office. In the Third Party Administrator (TPA) industry, many of these were highly skilled and independent workers; therefore, due to the increased flexibility, reduction in commute times,…
“Wow, 2020, where do I start?” exclaims Zach Osborne, Plan Consultant. “If I had to summarize it, I would say we moved from being obsessed…
The beginning of the year is a time when the strategies and plans that were established the prior year are put into action. Collecting census…
Interested in learning more about PensionPro? Join us for a free software demonstrations to learn about how we handle 5500s and many other of the…
Familiarize yourself with basic PensionPro features and functions, such as Dashboards, Worktrays, Time Tracking, Menu options, and Search.
Ready to take your annual project to the next level? Join us for an in-depth walk-through of optimal project structure, best practices, review steps, reporting…
As managers of PensionPro, you have to know who has the ability to which features in the system, at all times. Join us for management…
Annual Notice tracking is a critical component that falls on your team, and one that can often times linger until the last possible moment. Let…
Collecting annual data and providing compliance services for MEPs and plans with Participating Employers comes with its own set of challenges. Join us to learn…
Data is only as good as the most recent update, and your PensionPro system is no exception. Join us for a top level session on…